I Might Be Jaded …but at least I let the light in

A study project into refraction, prisms, light, and shadow. A continuation of the sculpture piece made for the short film Cold Moon By The Sea.

‘I Might be Jaded’ is a project that explores the human-like nature of prisms, or the prism-like nature of humans. Prisms are fascinating in the way that they are in and of themselves colorless and jagged, but with the presence of sunlight, they throw little rainbows across the room and onto anything in its path.

Rainbows have long been a symbol of hope, of diversity, of pride. When we “let the light in,” when we allow joy, goodness, hope, love into ourselves, we can’t help but emit that into something else. This piece and concept was created as a response to the idea that we need to get over something bad that may have happened to us at a certain rate. In the midst of covid, loss, and feeling like you are grieving a part of you that is now different, realizing it’s ok to not be ready to fully accept and move on. The in-between is okay and important even, the part where you realize you might be jaded, but you still allow goodness and beauty to be noticed. There is a humility in being in that space, where you know you are hurt and may never be the same and maybe there isn’t strength to move on, but you allow gentle moments and spaces for light to enter in.

Artist - Emily Sage