Luminous Lane is a dark alley turned public art collection of brightly colored murals in downtown Charlotte. Luminous Lane was curated by local artist, Sydney Duarte, during the Charlotte SHOUT! Festival.

The alleyway features over 40 artists local, national, and international, with themes of light, hope, and the transforming nature of love.

“Turning a forgotten, unappealing space into a vibrant, contemporary arts destination to showcase the talent of the local creative community and what can be brought to life when we are supported and given the space and opportunity. Promoting collaboration and free creative expression. This artwork is our love note to the city that will permanently live on for years to come.” - Sydney Duarte

The soundscape was curated by Emily Sage. It speaks to the themes highlighted throughout the alleyway and is designed to enhance the connection between viewer and artist, aiming to make the viewer feel a part of the art and the art a part of the viewer as they walk through the space. The title track of the musical collection, “Luminous Lane,” was composed and produced by Emily Sage with sounds from the alleyway while it was being converted.

Sydney Duarte - Artist Curator & Muralist

Emily Sage - Soundscape Curator, Composer, & Mix

More information and a full list of artists can be found here.

Below is a Spotify playlist with many of the songs featured in the Luminous Lane Soundtrack. It does not include the track above by Emily Sage.

All necessary licensing obtained by Charlotte Center City Partners.